Question bank in full (max ques):
**please note the following**
1.Some questions may be repeated. So go through all the
2.Hope you use it effectively like a checklist.
Part—A :
01.What are the characteristics of the Desert ecosystem?
02.''India is a mega--diversity nation''--Account.
03. What is meant by keystone species?
04.What do you understand by the terms flora and fauna?
05.How does Biome differ from an ecosystem?
06. Define genetic diversity and species diversity.
07.What are the classifications of biotic components of ecosystem?
08. What is food chain and food web?
09.Explain endangered species.
10.What do you mean by environmental impact.
11. What is meant by biosphere?
12. Distinguish between primary and secondary consumer.
13.What is ecology?
14. Why do we need environmentalist?
15.Write short note on biodiversity.
16. Name various ecosystems
17. Suggest three important features of forest ecosystem.
18. Define environmental impact statement.
19.What is meant by food webs?
20.What are the main kinds of organism in aquatic life zones.
21. Define primary and secondary production.
22.What is ecological pyramid? Why is pyramid of energy always take upright?
23.Define 'hot spots of Biodiversity'
24. What are the roles of women in environmental protection.
25.What is called thermal pollution?
26.State the role and responsibility of an individual in the prevention of pollution.
27.Mention the causes and effects of acid rain
28.What is meant by non point pollution?
29.What is meant by CDM?
30.What are the various sources of radioactive pollution?
31.Differentiate between recycling and reuse.
32.Give examples for primary and secondary air pollutants.
33.What is Dobson unit?
34.Write any four major water pollutants.
35.Write briefly how human activities can introduce thermal pollution in to streams
36.How CFC''s are accumulated in atmosphere?
37.Define hazardous waste.
38.Define photochemical smog.
39.What are the types of solid wastes?
40.What is acid precipitation?
41.State the significance and scope of environmental education.
42.Mention the various causes of desertification.
43.What are the roles of women in environmental protection?
44.What is meant by ISO 14000?
45.Differentiate between deforestation and forest degradation
46.Enumerate the desired qualities of an ideal pesticide.
47.Write any two functions of forests.
48.What are the advantages in conjuctive use of water?
49.what are the causes of deforestation?
50.Explain overgrazing.
51.What is desertification?
52.What is water logging?
53.What is meant by eutrophication?
54.Why world environment day is observed 5th June every year?
55.State the significance and scope of environmental education.
56.State few drawbacks of pollution related Acts.
57.Define Doubling Time with reference to population growth.
58.What is the effect of HIV//AIDS on the environment.
59.What are the roles of women in environmental protection?
60.What is meant by NIMBY syndrome?
61.What are the reasons behind the increased population growth in the less developed nations compared with developed nations?
62.Differentiate between HIV and AIDS..
63.List the problems of population growth..
64.What do you mean by environmental impact?
65.Define population eqm.
66.Define population explosion.
67.What is meant by environmental audit?
68.Define the term sustainable development.
Part-- B: maximum possible 16/8 marks:
01.Write note on ecological pyramids and their types
02.Substantiate the value of biodiversity with suitable illustrations and
statistical evidences
03. What is an ecosystem? Explain the structure, characteristics and types of the Aquatic Ecosystem.
04.(a) How is biodiversity conserved? Explain
(b)Explain characteristic features and function of forest ecosystem
05.(a).What are various hot spots of Biodiversity in India?
(b).Discuss endangered and endemic species of India.
06.With a neat sketch explain the flow of energy through the various components of the ecosystem(producers, consumers and decomposers).
07.(a).Explain: The grass land ecosystem
(b).Write notes on the following:
((i)) Energy flow in ecosystem
((ii)) Pond ecosystem
((iii)) Threats to biodiversity.
((iv))State four components of ecosystem
((v))how fat-soluble pollutants like DDT get bio magnified?
((vi))Four kinds of biodiversity
((vii))measuring biodiversity
((viii)Why biodiversity is rich in the tropics?
((ix)causes for loss of biodiversity?
(c)Explain the food chain and food web.
08.(a)Define and explain the term ecosystem.
(b)Decline its types,characteristics,structure and function.
(c)Describe the biotic component of an ecosystem
09.(a).Discuss the importance, hierarchical concept and values of biodiversity.
(b).Write informative notes on 'In-situ conservation.
10.Explain causes,, effects and control measures of air pollution.
11.Give a comparative account of urban and industrial wastes in terms of their sources,characteristics and management and disposal methods.
12. Explain the causes and effects and control measures of marine pollution. Also Write a short note on disaster management.
13.Explain the various sources,, effects and methods of control of water pollution. Also Discuss about the significance of hazardous waste management.
14.Explain the sources,, effects and control of industrial noise pollution. Discuss about ozone hole and ozone depleting substances.
15.(a).What are the effects of oil pollution on the ocean?
(b).With the flow diagram explain the Activated sludge process for waste water treatment.
16.What is the significance of Dissolved Oxygen in rivers? Explain.
17.Explain the concept of source, path receiver in the control of noise pollution.
18.Explain the causes and effects of
(a)nuclear and radiation pollution.
(b) Global warming and Acid Rain
(c)Discuss the major air pollutants and their impact.
19.Discuss briefly the disposal of municipal solid waste.
20.(a).What are the sources of Radioactive pollution?
(b).What is thermal pollution and explain its effects.
(c)What are the sources of greenhouse gases in atmosphere?
(d)Write briefly on Bhopal disaster and Chernobyl disaster.
21. critically review these statements in the present day context.
(a).''Almost all the rivers in India have become sewage carriers''.
(b).'The invention of plastic a boon or a bane--
(c)Environmental damages caused by mining last long after mine has closed.
(d).Interlinking of rivers is the solution for drought as well as flood situation in India.
22.With neat block diagrams explain the various unit operations and processes in a municipal sewage treatment plant.
23.How is solid waste it classified?Explain its disposal by incineration.
24.(a).Discuss the significance of any five parameters of drinking water quality standards.
(b).Explain any two conflicts over water,confining to our nation.
25.Discuss the Indian Ambient air quality and noise standards.
26.Discuss the impacts of handling the mineral resources for extraction and subsequent utilization on the environment.
27.Discuss in detail the causes and consequences of overexploitation of forest resources.
28.Give a brief account of renewable energy resources and their significance.
29.Discuss the various factors influencing soil degradation.
30.Discuss the various sources of energy and the linkage between energy and environment.
31.Explain the role of an individual on environmental protection.
32.Discuss the environmental effects due to agriculture.
33.Discuss the possible solutions to improve the acceptability of dam projects in Indian conditions.
34.(a).Explain over utilization of surface and ground water.
(b).Write briefly on the Hydrological cycle.
35.Explain the adverse effects of agricultural practices away from the farm. Also explain What is deforestation and explain its impacts on the environment.
36. (a).Write a note on solar production of electricity.
(b).Explain the methods of harnessing tidal power.
(c)Discuss the impacts of ''Green Revolution'' on ecosystem.
(d).What is meant by soil erosion? What are its causes? Suggest in—situ remedies.
37.How is environment protected through Legislation? Explain
38.Explain the terms with statistical support. Exponential Growth and population Explosion. Also explain the theories behind them.
39.Explain the role of information Technology in Environment and Human Health.
40.(a).Explain the role of NGO s in environmental protection and health.
(b).Outline various family welfare plans in the post independent India.
41.Discuss about the environmental and social problems faced by large Indian city like Chennai..
42.(a)What are the salient features of following Acts?
i))The Air((Prevention and control of pollution)) Act,, 1981
ii))The Environment((Protection)) Act 1986
(b) Discuss briefly on the Indian Environmental Acts.
43.Draw a typical population pyramid of developing country and discuss how it is likely differ from that of a developed country wide.
44.Define Human Rights and discuss the salient features of Universal Declaration of Human Rights by UN
45.What are the modes of transmission of HIV and how it can be prevented? What is AIDS? How to prevent it? Write in relation to the developing countries also.
46.Write notes on the following in relation to human population and environment
((i))Women and Child Welfare
((ii)) Human Rights
((iii))Value Education
((iv))population dispersion.
((v))Reason for the population explosion
((vi)) impacts of growing population.
((vii))factors influencing family size..
((viii))methods and implementation of family planning.
47.Write note on Pollution Control Boards and the effect of increasing affluence on environment.
48.Bring out the various details of Wasteland Reclamation Practices.
49.(a).Discuss about Environmental ethics..
(b).Write a note on integrated wasteland development program.
50.(a).What is sustainable development and explain is concepts?
(b).Write a note on watershed management.
QUES. (A) (B)
11 Resources Renewable sources
12 Ecosystems Biodiversity
13 Pollutions Management
14 Environmental issues Acts and incidents
15 Population Welfare schemes, diseases
and issues
Rangarajan T.R.
Question bank in full (max ques):
**please note the following**
1.Some questions may be repeated. So go through all the
2.Hope you use it effectively like a checklist.
Part—A :
01.What are the characteristics of the Desert ecosystem?
02.''India is a mega--diversity nation''--Account.
03. What is meant by keystone species?
04.What do you understand by the terms flora and fauna?
05.How does Biome differ from an ecosystem?
06. Define genetic diversity and species diversity.
07.What are the classifications of biotic components of ecosystem?
08. What is food chain and food web?
09.Explain endangered species.
10.What do you mean by environmental impact.
11. What is meant by biosphere?
12. Distinguish between primary and secondary consumer.
13.What is ecology?
14. Why do we need environmentalist?
15.Write short note on biodiversity.
16. Name various ecosystems
17. Suggest three important features of forest ecosystem.
18. Define environmental impact statement.
19.What is meant by food webs?
20.What are the main kinds of organism in aquatic life zones.
21. Define primary and secondary production.
22.What is ecological pyramid? Why is pyramid of energy always take upright?
23.Define 'hot spots of Biodiversity'
24. What are the roles of women in environmental protection.
25.What is called thermal pollution?
26.State the role and responsibility of an individual in the prevention of pollution.
27.Mention the causes and effects of acid rain
28.What is meant by non point pollution?
29.What is meant by CDM?
30.What are the various sources of radioactive pollution?
31.Differentiate between recycling and reuse.
32.Give examples for primary and secondary air pollutants.
33.What is Dobson unit?
34.Write any four major water pollutants.
35.Write briefly how human activities can introduce thermal pollution in to streams
36.How CFC''s are accumulated in atmosphere?
37.Define hazardous waste.
38.Define photochemical smog.
39.What are the types of solid wastes?
40.What is acid precipitation?
41.State the significance and scope of environmental education.
42.Mention the various causes of desertification.
43.What are the roles of women in environmental protection?
44.What is meant by ISO 14000?
45.Differentiate between deforestation and forest degradation
46.Enumerate the desired qualities of an ideal pesticide.
47.Write any two functions of forests.
48.What are the advantages in conjuctive use of water?
49.what are the causes of deforestation?
50.Explain overgrazing.
51.What is desertification?
52.What is water logging?
53.What is meant by eutrophication?
54.Why world environment day is observed 5th June every year?
55.State the significance and scope of environmental education.
56.State few drawbacks of pollution related Acts.
57.Define Doubling Time with reference to population growth.
58.What is the effect of HIV//AIDS on the environment.
59.What are the roles of women in environmental protection?
60.What is meant by NIMBY syndrome?
61.What are the reasons behind the increased population growth in the less developed nations compared with developed nations?
62.Differentiate between HIV and AIDS..
63.List the problems of population growth..
64.What do you mean by environmental impact?
65.Define population eqm.
66.Define population explosion.
67.What is meant by environmental audit?
68.Define the term sustainable development.
Part-- B: maximum possible 16/8 marks:
01.Write note on ecological pyramids and their types
02.Substantiate the value of biodiversity with suitable illustrations and
statistical evidences
03. What is an ecosystem? Explain the structure, characteristics and types of the Aquatic Ecosystem.
04.(a) How is biodiversity conserved? Explain
(b)Explain characteristic features and function of forest ecosystem
05.(a).What are various hot spots of Biodiversity in India?
(b).Discuss endangered and endemic species of India.
06.With a neat sketch explain the flow of energy through the various components of the ecosystem(producers, consumers and decomposers).
07.(a).Explain: The grass land ecosystem
(b).Write notes on the following:
((i)) Energy flow in ecosystem
((ii)) Pond ecosystem
((iii)) Threats to biodiversity.
((iv))State four components of ecosystem
((v))how fat-soluble pollutants like DDT get bio magnified?
((vi))Four kinds of biodiversity
((vii))measuring biodiversity
((viii)Why biodiversity is rich in the tropics?
((ix)causes for loss of biodiversity?
(c)Explain the food chain and food web.
08.(a)Define and explain the term ecosystem.
(b)Decline its types,characteristics,structure and function.
(c)Describe the biotic component of an ecosystem
09.(a).Discuss the importance, hierarchical concept and values of biodiversity.
(b).Write informative notes on 'In-situ conservation.
10.Explain causes,, effects and control measures of air pollution.
11.Give a comparative account of urban and industrial wastes in terms of their sources,characteristics and management and disposal methods.
12. Explain the causes and effects and control measures of marine pollution. Also Write a short note on disaster management.
13.Explain the various sources,, effects and methods of control of water pollution. Also Discuss about the significance of hazardous waste management.
14.Explain the sources,, effects and control of industrial noise pollution. Discuss about ozone hole and ozone depleting substances.
15.(a).What are the effects of oil pollution on the ocean?
(b).With the flow diagram explain the Activated sludge process for waste water treatment.
16.What is the significance of Dissolved Oxygen in rivers? Explain.
17.Explain the concept of source, path receiver in the control of noise pollution.
18.Explain the causes and effects of
(a)nuclear and radiation pollution.
(b) Global warming and Acid Rain
(c)Discuss the major air pollutants and their impact.
19.Discuss briefly the disposal of municipal solid waste.
20.(a).What are the sources of Radioactive pollution?
(b).What is thermal pollution and explain its effects.
(c)What are the sources of greenhouse gases in atmosphere?
(d)Write briefly on Bhopal disaster and Chernobyl disaster.
21. critically review these statements in the present day context.
(a).''Almost all the rivers in India have become sewage carriers''.
(b).'The invention of plastic a boon or a bane--
(c)Environmental damages caused by mining last long after mine has closed.
(d).Interlinking of rivers is the solution for drought as well as flood situation in India.
22.With neat block diagrams explain the various unit operations and processes in a municipal sewage treatment plant.
23.How is solid waste it classified?Explain its disposal by incineration.
24.(a).Discuss the significance of any five parameters of drinking water quality standards.
(b).Explain any two conflicts over water,confining to our nation.
25.Discuss the Indian Ambient air quality and noise standards.
26.Discuss the impacts of handling the mineral resources for extraction and subsequent utilization on the environment.
27.Discuss in detail the causes and consequences of overexploitation of forest resources.
28.Give a brief account of renewable energy resources and their significance.
29.Discuss the various factors influencing soil degradation.
30.Discuss the various sources of energy and the linkage between energy and environment.
31.Explain the role of an individual on environmental protection.
32.Discuss the environmental effects due to agriculture.
33.Discuss the possible solutions to improve the acceptability of dam projects in Indian conditions.
34.(a).Explain over utilization of surface and ground water.
(b).Write briefly on the Hydrological cycle.
35.Explain the adverse effects of agricultural practices away from the farm. Also explain What is deforestation and explain its impacts on the environment.
36. (a).Write a note on solar production of electricity.
(b).Explain the methods of harnessing tidal power.
(c)Discuss the impacts of ''Green Revolution'' on ecosystem.
(d).What is meant by soil erosion? What are its causes? Suggest in—situ remedies.
37.How is environment protected through Legislation? Explain
38.Explain the terms with statistical support. Exponential Growth and population Explosion. Also explain the theories behind them.
39.Explain the role of information Technology in Environment and Human Health.
40.(a).Explain the role of NGO s in environmental protection and health.
(b).Outline various family welfare plans in the post independent India.
41.Discuss about the environmental and social problems faced by large Indian city like Chennai..
42.(a)What are the salient features of following Acts?
i))The Air((Prevention and control of pollution)) Act,, 1981
ii))The Environment((Protection)) Act 1986
(b) Discuss briefly on the Indian Environmental Acts.
43.Draw a typical population pyramid of developing country and discuss how it is likely differ from that of a developed country wide.
44.Define Human Rights and discuss the salient features of Universal Declaration of Human Rights by UN
45.What are the modes of transmission of HIV and how it can be prevented? What is AIDS? How to prevent it? Write in relation to the developing countries also.
46.Write notes on the following in relation to human population and environment
((i))Women and Child Welfare
((ii)) Human Rights
((iii))Value Education
((iv))population dispersion.
((v))Reason for the population explosion
((vi)) impacts of growing population.
((vii))factors influencing family size..
((viii))methods and implementation of family planning.
47.Write note on Pollution Control Boards and the effect of increasing affluence on environment.
48.Bring out the various details of Wasteland Reclamation Practices.
49.(a).Discuss about Environmental ethics..
(b).Write a note on integrated wasteland development program.
50.(a).What is sustainable development and explain is concepts?
(b).Write a note on watershed management.
QUES. (A) (B)
11 Resources Renewable sources
12 Ecosystems Biodiversity
13 Pollutions Management
14 Environmental issues Acts and incidents
15 Population Welfare schemes, diseases
and issues
Rangarajan T.R.
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